
For our group project we had a look into a few apps and websites to get inspiration and see how the layout was constructed. These are both helpful as we can view the best way to layout and build are page which will appeal to our similar target audience of students and also how they use these apps/ websites to interact with each other.


The very first idea of doing an anonymous Posting-Website for students was suggested by Darlene which is a German App called Yodel. It is not very well known in England, although we had all heard of it. It is just a way for people to see what is happening around them without needing to know the identity of the person posting. The app portrays a very similar concept to our anonymous posting website. However me and Tina were unable to download this app as it is not yet available on the UK store so Darele explained to us that

“Smartphone users can download it and then anonymously post and others can read those posts and rate them. The user only sees the posts from people close by, for example in their city. It is mostly used by people aged 18-25 to express their thoughts and ideas without sharing worrying about sharing who they are.”

Yik Yak

However we managed to find an app which is available on the App store called Yik Yak that uses the same principle. So we all downloaded it so we could get some useful research while creating our chosen anonymous posting website.

Yik Yak is an anonymous social media app. It is available for iOS and Android and it allows people anonymously to create and view “Yaks” within a 10 mile radius.It differs from other anonymous sharing apps such as PostSecret and Whisper in that it is intended for sharing primarily with those in close proximity to the user, potentially making it more intimate and relevant for people reading the posts.All users have the ability to contribute to the stream by writing, responding, and liking or disliking yaks 

Above: Home page of Yik Yak 

Above: Posting system of Yik Yak


Another App which has similarities to the foundations of our project is called Whisper. Its free on the App store and is a way people can communicate and respond to posts without people knowing their real identity. Below is the description of the Whisper on the app store.

Whisper is an anonymous social network that allows people to express themselves, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover the unseen world around us. With Whisper, you can anonymously share your thoughts and emotions with the world, and form lasting and meaningful relationships in a community built around trust and honesty. If you have ever had something too intimate to share on traditional social networks, simply share it on Whisper!

Above: How Whisper appears on the app store.

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